‘Did Hell Freeze Over?’: Fox News Host Praises Biden’s ‘Iconic’ Speech And Viewers Are Stunned

Ron Delancer

Like so many of her colleagues at Fox News, network host Harris Faulkner is great at reciting GOP talking points. But on Tuesday, the conservative cable news anchor had something surprisingly nice to say about President Joe Biden, and viewers were left stunned.

Faulker during her segment praised Biden as “iconic” after he gave a speech in memory of Billy Evans, the Capitol Police officer killed during the April 2 attack in Washington, D.C.

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“We have just watched the president of the United States give his words, kindness and empathy like he does so well. He’s iconic at it. He is so present and so kind,” Faulkner told viewers.

The Fox News host added, “He was speaking to the family of Officer Billy Evans and to (his) children to think ahead. In the future, those words will come into focus for them.”

Faulkner’s words come as a surprise in light of how much Biden is vilified by far-right Fox News pundits such as Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham. But then, not every conservative at Fox News has been consistently hostile to Biden.

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Anchor Chris Wallace has interviewed Biden and members of his administration — including White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki — on his show, asking them tough questions but maintaining a polite, respectful tone.

Watch Faulker’s remarks and some of the reactions below.

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