Barbers in Michigan were fined this week for defying orders and giving out free haircuts to anti-lockdown protestors outside the state Capitol.
According to those protestors, the state’s lockdown orders are just as bad as the Holocaust, according to MLive.
State police handed out $500 citations for disorderly conduct to seven barbers and stylists cutting hair, and a pair of Michigan Militia members — one armed with a rifle — shouted at officers.
“They were warned that if they continue to cut hair they will be cited; and then finally they were cited as a disorderly person,” said state police spokeswoman Shannon Banner. “A person convicted of disorderly person/conduct is subject to up to 90 days in jail or a fine of no more than $500, or both.”
Angela Regas, whose citation prompted the protest from militia members, said she doesn’t plan on paying for the citation and will be fighting it in court.
“I just took the citation,” said Regas, of Caledonia. “I just took it and I’ll fight it. I’m not worried, and I have a lot of friends and a lot of supporters here today that will support me no matter what happens today.”
Karl Manke, the Owosso barber whose defiance of governor Gretchen Whitmer’s orders prompted the demonstration and has drawn national attention, said that the orders given by the governor are like the orders Nazis gave to the Jews that lead to their deaths.
“These older people in Germany were told in reels and movies and types of propaganda coming out at the time, that they could get into these cattle cars, and would be taken to these new homes,” Make said. “They willingly got into those cattle cars. I will not be placed into a cattle car.”
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