Republican Ralph Reed: Voting Trump Will ‘Glorify God’ And ‘Make Sure’ Christians Run ‘Our Political System’

Ron Delancer

Christian activist and political consultant Ralph Reed told an “Evangelicals for Trump” rally last week that voting for Trump will ensure that Christianity will run the country’s political system.

“We got a big job to do in the next 100 days. Let’s go out and do it — not just to re-elect him, but to glorify God and make sure Christians are the head and not the tail, and the top and not the bottom, of our political system,” Reed said in a video clip flagged by Right Wing Watch.

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According to the Friendly Atheist’s Hemant Mehta, Reed’s statement makes no sense considering that “there’s been literally no times when Christians were at the bottom of any power structure in U.S. society, much less government.”

You can see his remarks in the video clip below:

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