Doctor Says A Mass March Is Being Organized In Michigan To Protest ‘Quarantine’, Blames ‘Criminal’ Trump

Ron Delancer

During an interview on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” on Sunday, Dr. Robert Davidson revealed that a mas march is being organized in Michigan to protest the state’s “stay-at-home” order, and blamed President Donald Trump for undercutting health officials who have been stating the country has a long way to go before coming out of quarantine, calling the president’s actions “criminal.”

The ER doctor expressed dismay at the president’s claim that testing will not be necessary for everyone in the country and that the quarantine should end as soon as possible, and warned that people will die if they listen to him and not health officials.

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“I just worked last night in a rural ER in Michigan and admitted two very sick patients with COVID-19, and sent home another three or four without testing because they didn’t fit the criteria,” Davidson said. “We still don’t know. I think there is no way on earth we can do this safely without massive testing, without anti-body testing.”

He said that Democrat Gretchen Whitmer just re-upped our shelter in place order to the end of April, and lamented that Republicans in the state attacked her on social media over her decision.

“Now we have 200,000 people in a Facebook group who are coming out against this quarantine and are organizing a march in Lansing. The last thing we need, a month from now, the people from that march will start showing up in hospitals and add to the statistics, and it is just criminal that the president isn’t leading on this.”

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