Trump Invents New Narrative In Latest Excuse For Not Acting Sooner On Coronavirus: ‘The Experts Were Wrong’

During a White House press conference Tuesday, President Donald Trump blamed health experts for…

Fox News Just Hired Paul Ryan And Trump Lost It On Twitter

President Donald Trump blasted former House Speaker Paul Ryan and criticized Fox News for…

Texas Republican Claims Barack Obama Was a Gay Prostitute And That Preschool Turns Children Into Homosexuals

A Republican candidate for the state school board of education in Texas is getting…

Howard Stern Urges Trump Supporters To Drink Clorox At Next Rally To See If Trump’s Theory Works

Radio host Howard Stern on Monday slammed President Trump for suggesting at a recent…

Ron DeSantis Assures Dying Seniors That Florida Is ‘God’s Waiting Room’

On Sunday, during a press conference on the raging coronavirus pandemic, Gov. Ron DeSantis…

‘I Just Wanted To See What Would Happen’: Trump Says He Was Being ‘Sarcastic’ About Light And Disinfectant To Treat COVID-19

President Donald Trump on Friday said he was being sarcastic when he suggested multiple…

Evangelical ‘Prophet’ Cindy Jacobs Issues Decree Ordering COVID-19 To ‘Cease Worldwide’

Popular Christian pastor Cindy Jacobs, a self-described “prophet" and "faith-healer", has issued a “decree…

Trump Campaign Staffer Charged After Assaulting Man Who Allegedly Called Him ‘Fat’

A staffer for President Donald Trump's reelection campaign in Connecticut was charged after police…

Ted Cruz Blasted Online After Tweeting Disgusting Joke About Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Following the news that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was reportedly "in grave…

Anti-Quarantine Protester Arrested After ‘Kidnapping’ TV News Photographer At Knifepoint

Police in Costa Mesa, California, arrested a 36-year-old man for threatening a TV news…

Megachurch Pastor Sues New Mexico, Saying He Can’t Livestream Without Huge Staff

Pastor Steve Smothermon of Legacy Church in Albuquerque, NM, wanted to host an in-person…

Louisiana Pastor Urges Christians To Send Their Stimulus Checks To Churches Instead Of Buying Food

Prominent Louisiana pastor Tony Spell has started a campaign called “#PastorSpellStimulusChallenge” in which followers…