Louisiana Pastor Brags That Over 200 Churchgoers Sent Him Their Stimulus Checks

Ron Delancer

Life Tabernacle Church pastor Tony Spell, who was arrested after defying state orders to open up his church, is now bragging that more than 200 people have sent him their stimulus checks.

The checks were sent as part of Spell’s “PastorSpellStimulusChallenge” campaign, which asked people to send their checks to the ministry instead of using them for necessities like food or rent.

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TMZ was able to interview Spell.

“The infamous leader of the Life Tabernacle Church in Louisiana tells TMZ… since April 19 when his ‘stimulus challenge’ began, 205 people have given at least a portion of their stimulus checks to his church,” the publication writes. “We’re told this includes parishioners as well as outsiders who don’t belong to Life Tabernacle. Spell would not reveal how much cash he’s hauled in from these folks.”

If Spell received people’s entire check, he would be $246,000 richer.

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