Florida Professor Utterly Destroys Gov DeSantis In Scathing Op-Ed For Opening Up Beaches During Pandemic

Ron Delancer

Diane Roberts, a professor of English at Florida State University, did not hold back when going after Republican Governor Ron DeSantis over his decision to open up beaches prematurely as the coronavirus pandemic continues to kill people across the nation.

In a Washington Post editorial headlined “In Florida, we love our beaches. Thanks to our governor, now we can die for them,” Roberts eviscerates DeSantis for encouraging cities and towns to reopen beaches during a time when the number of COVID-19 cases is still spiking in Florida.

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“DeSantis has dithered, obfuscated and delayed,” she writes. “He wouldn’t tell Floridians to stay home until he got the go-ahead from Trump; like Trump, he shills hydroxychloroquine as a supposed coronavirus miracle cure. He wants to reopen Florida’s economy sooner rather than later and has assembled a dubious task force full of CEOs and friendly politicians, but no doctors, no scientists.”

Roberts goes on to slam DeSantis for his idea of what an “essential” business is.

“But hey, at least we can watch Ronda Rousey wrestle Charlotte Flair or the Street Profits tag team take on the Viking Raiders,” she concludes. “We can pretend that everything’s all right, that the Magic Kingdom will always be there, that Wet Willies will keep slinging daiquiris and that Florida will never impose too much reality on us. We can, after all, still go to the beach.”

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You can read her entire op-ed HERE.

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