Probe Into Matt Gaetz Sex Scandal Expanded To Include Other Florida Republicans: Report

Ron Delancer

A new report by Politico has revealed that GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) isn’t the only Florida Republican who appears to be the target of prosecutors investigating the sex trafficking of minors.

According to Politico, “a newly revealed grand jury subpoena also implicates Joe Ellicott, a former employee of Republican Florida tax collector Joel Greenberg, and Halsey Beshears, a former elected official who served with Gaetz in the Florida state Legislature.”

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The subpoena specifically states that the grand jury is investigating “commercial sex acts with adult and minor women” and it seeks “any communications, documents, recordings and payments” that Ellicott, Gaetz, Beshears, and Greenberg had with a young woman at the center of the sex trafficking probe.

Politico’s sources claim that both Gaetz and Ellicott are being investigated for paying for sex with the young woman, who at the time was only 17 years old.

Greenberg, who is cooperating with federal investigators, pleaded guilty to several sex felony charges earlier this week. He is expected to provide evidence implicating several of his own longtime associates in exchange for a more lenient prison sentence.

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