Joe Scarborough Slams #MoscowMitch And GOP Senators For Staying Quiet After Russia Bombshell

Ron Delancer

Firing off multiple tweets, MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough slammed Republican Senators and their leader Mitch McConnell for staying quiet in the wake of the recent New York Times bombshell.

The Times reported on Friday that Russia was offering bounties for killing U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. According to the report, Trump was notified about this threat in March and decided to keep quiet and do nothing about it.

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After the story broke, Scarborough asked which Republicans would speak out against Trump’s conduct.

“Russians are paying Islamic radicals to kill American troops in Afghanistan. Donald Trump has known about Putin targeting Americans for months and has refused to even condemn Russia diplomatically. What Republican senator will speak out against this shocking dereliction of duty?” Scarborough asked on Friday.

After silence from Republicans, Scarborough pressed the topic, referring to McConnell as “Moscow Mitch.”

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“What will #MoscowMitch say about Russians putting bounties on American troops’ heads and Donald Trump saying nothing about it?” he asked. “Is #MoscowMitch as beholden to Putin as the compromised commander in chief?”

Scarborough also went after other Republican senators who are facing reelection in November.

Take a look at his tweets below:

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