Jake Tapper Brutally Fact-Checks Trump’s Falsehood About Bolton Testimony: ‘It’s Just A Lie!’

Ron Delancer

Donald Trump took to Twitter on Monday where he claimed that House Democrats never asked former national security adviser John Bolton to testify. But that’s a lie and CNN’s Jake Tapper decided to call out Trump for it.

Tapper specifically rebutted the tweet from Trump.

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“The idea that the house of representatives never even asked John Bolton to testify is just a lie,” he said. “It’s false.”

Tapper then displayed the exact letter that House Democrats sent to Bolton requesting his testimony at their hearings.

“There is a letter I’m holding in my hand right now, from October 30th, in which the three chairs of the relevant committees in the House of Representatives asked John Bolton to testify. So they did, in fact, ask him to testify.”

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Take a look at the video clip below:

RELATED: Internet Respond To Trump’s False Claim That House Democrats ‘Never’ Asked Bolton To Testify

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