McConnell Says GOP Has No Intention On Signing Any More Coronavirus Relief Bills: Report

Republicans are acting as though the coronavirus is a thing of the past. The…

Fired Vaccine Director Files Whistleblower Complaint, Says COVID-19 Warnings Were Ignored

It was reported on Tuesday that Dr. Rick Bright, the ousted director of the…

Dr. Fauci Fact-Checks Trump’s Conspiracy Theory That COVID-19 Was Created In A Chinese Lab

Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have been pushing a conspiracy theory…

Pro-Trump Christian Says It’s ‘The Duty Of An American’ To Incite ‘Violence’ To Stop The Lockdowns

President of Abiding Truth Ministries, Scott Lively, said during an online Bible study on…

Trump Won’t Allow Task Force To Testify Before The House Because They Are ‘A Bunch Of Trump Haters’

After it was reported this week that Donald Trump won't allow anyone of the…

WH Adviser Stumbles During Interview, Fails To Explain His Pandemic ‘Model’ That Shows Zero Deaths By May 15

Kevin Hassett, a White House economic adviser, has come up with a "model" that…

Iowa Senate Seat Suddenly In Play As Sen. Joni Ernst’s Lead Over Democratic Opponent Evaporates

The blue wave that Republicans fear is shaping out to be a blue tsunami…

Republican Lawmaker Refuses To Wear Mask Because It Would Cover The ‘Face Of God’

Ohio state Rep. Nino Vitale (R) is refusing to wear a face mask amid…

In Effort To Score Political Points On Biden, Republicans Inadvertently Bring Into Focus 25 Women Who Accused Trump Of Sexual Assault

As Republicans try to find a way to capitalize on the sexual misconduct allegation…

Trump Wants To ‘Take Down’ Fox News Because He Claims The Network Isn’t ‘Loyal’ To Him Anymore: Report

Donald Trump could be making a switch in which network is his favorite. According…

Ann Coulter Says Trump Can’t Be Blamed For Family Dollar Shooting Because The Shooter Was Black

On Friday, a security guard at a Family Dollar store in Flint, Michigan, was…