Donald Trump again bragged about winning in the polls that apparently no one has reported on. While speaking to a rally crowd, Trump claimed that he’s winning but the media refuses to say so.
Trump again claimed to be up in the polls without offering any kind of evidence.
The facts are that Trump is not winning and Joe Biden is beating him in national polls.
The latest FiveThirtyEight poll shows Biden beating Trump overall.
You can see Trump’s remarks below:
TRUMP: "Right now, we are leading a war that is in incredible, but right now, we are leading in so many polls that they refuse to put out." #wut
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 20, 2020
It didn’t take long for Trump to get trolled for bragging about imaginary polls. Here are some of the best responses:
How anyone can listen to him and think "I want this guy to stay out President" is just insane to me.
— Nick (@mear_nick) August 20, 2020
When I read the transcripts I find myself wishing that Lindsay or Mitch would be forced to read one aloud. And I wonder what his children hear, that they could be mocking Biden and maintaining their dad is sharp.
— RantyPUNzel (@RandilynIsIn) August 20, 2020
"Secret, special Polls that NOBODY BUT US can see!"
— BestOfBad (@badmovieman) August 20, 2020
Pollgate! It’s bigger than Obama gate! Which is bigger than spygate! There are so many gates. I know all the gates. Some, many, call me and say, sir, you saved polling, thank you. Do you know how many gates there are?
38 million
— President “ramble-parade of lies and boasts” (@realworldrj) August 20, 2020
Same reason that sweetass healthcare plan he told axios on aug 4 was rolling out in exactly two [2] weeks. None it exists. And no one in his base cares.
— NotoriousNAC (@CallMeBigChonky) August 20, 2020
I'll say it for the 59th time– when you *read* his words in transcript, it's even more shocking how incoherent he is, and equal parts shocking and depressing that large numbers of people just can't see it.
— Dean Gullberry (@DeanGullberry47) August 20, 2020
Under-rated tweet 👍
— Sally (@mmobroflmfao) August 20, 2020
So is he going to grab them by the polls now since they refuse to put out?
— Lucy (@Live2teachLives) August 20, 2020
‘’What polls? Who is refusing to put them out? You are losing in quite a number of polls”
— Rock (@rockhead21) August 20, 2020
I believe people at that rally had to be hypnotized by the sight of trump cause they surely weren’t listening to his speech. He talks about Biden having a mental disorder and he is the one that is mentally ill and has no ability to keep on subject. Shocking, totally shocking!
— Roma Smith🌊🍑 (@RomajSmith36) August 20, 2020
Well, he is a creature of…well…he is a creature. I just have to leave it at that because I don't have the strength to lie to myself anymore about the vapid prick we have for president. Hold me.
— Wendy Parker (@MrsAhpahkah) August 20, 2020
Are the polls he’s leading the ones he asks his staff every day? “Wanna keep your beautiful job? Who are you going to vote for?”
— Josie Spreitzer (@JosieSpreitzer) August 20, 2020
Polls that he's seen and hasn't released? LMFAO
— Brandon Curtis (@bdoubleyouc) August 20, 2020
RELATED: Trump Pushes Birther Theory Against Joe Biden At Latest Rally: ‘He Wasn’t Born Here’