They’re Hoping To Completely Cover This Up For Trump’: Joe Scarborough Rips DHS Over Missing Texts

Ron Delancer

During Monday’s edition of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough tore into the Department of Homeland Security for helping to cover up Donald Trump’s coup attempt by concealing the erasure of January 6 text messages from secret service agent’s phones.

As reported by numerous news outlets, the department’s inspector general learned about missing Secret Service texts from Jan. 5 and 6, 2021, months before he alerted Congress, and Scarborough said he doesn’t believe that the messages were “lost” during a planned data migration to upgrade employees’ phones.

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“That’s a lie,” Scarborough said. “Maybe it was lined up to be that way. Their explanation, though, it’s riddled with lies, and it’s riddled with lies because the process he went through is something that no public agency in Washington, D.C. ever goes through.”

“This one stinks to high heavens. This one is bad. I find it hard to believe that the Justice Department is not going to look into this or allowed government records to be destroyed that were being demanded by the United States Congress, but it’s just one story after another story after another story of the inspector general,” he said.

The Morning Joe host then accused the agency of cover-up, saying: “We know what happened because we’ve already had the Secret Service lying off the record to try to undermine Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony, which lines up with other people’s testimony. We already this them lying off the record from a guy who was so highly politicized that he’s been caught lying time and time again. They’re hoping to completely cover this up for Donald Trump. The IG also politicized by Donald Trump. The Justice Department needs to get to the bottom of this, we need to know what happened and people need to be held accountable.”

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“They destroyed records critical to understanding what happened with the president of the United States while a coup was taking place at the United States Capitol,” he added.

Watch the segment below from MSNBC

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