Tag: democrats

Senate Majority Suddenly Leaning Blue As Dems Outraise Republicans In 7 Key Races

As President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus crisis comes under increased scrutiny, the fight for the Senate majority is tightening…

Carl Anthony 2 Min Read

Trump Encourages Violence As He Tells Supporters ‘Democrats Are Trying To STEAL THE ELECTION’

Donald Trump's re-election campaign sent out an email to his supporters on Friday accusing the Democratic Party of “trying to…

Carl Anthony 2 Min Read

Trump Threatens To ‘Adjourn Congress’ If They Don’t Come Out Of Quarantine To Approve His Appointees

Donald Trump is desperate to save his presidency and is now complaining that Democrats aren't tending to his needs. According…

Carl Anthony 2 Min Read

Lawmakers Corner House Republicans By Forcing Them To Vote On Legislation Affirming That Trump Doesn’t Have ‘Total Authority’

House Democrats on Tuesday introduced legislation rebuking resident Donald Trump's claim his "total authority" over the states during a Coronavirus…

Carl Anthony 2 Min Read

GOP Rep. Suggests That Dems Leaked Bolton Bombshell To ‘Change The Narrative’ Of Impeachment Trial

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) spoke with reporters on Monday about the recent release of an excerpt from John Bolton's upcoming…

Carl Anthony 1 Min Read

Lindsey Graham Snaps At Democrats Over Impeachment: ‘I’m Covering Up Nothing! I’m Exposing Your Hatred!’

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) spoke to reporters at a Senate Press conference on Wednesday where he lost his tempter and…

Carl Anthony 1 Min Read

House Dems Gearing Up To Call New Impeachment Witnesses If Senate Doesn’t

With Donald Trump's impeachment trial now in the Republican-led Senate, his supporters think there’s little Democrats can do to further…

Carl Anthony 4 Min Read

McConnell Hunkers Down As Newly Released Emails Fuel Democrats’ Request For Trial Witnesses

Newly released emails have given Democrats in their requests for new witnesses as Party leaders in Congress continued to spar…

Carl Anthony 2 Min Read
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