Restaurant Patrons Won’t Take Crap From Angry Anti-Masker

Ron Delancer

A video has emerged online showing the moment a man was knocked to the floor with a punch to the face after he went into an angry tirade over mask requirements.

Before being flattened by a punch to the face, the anti-mask customer was yelling at a restaurant staffer, accusing her of “discriminating” against him for requiring that he wear a mask.

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We’re going to f*ck your restaurant up!” he yelled before shoving another customer who was asking him to leave.

The situation got more intense when other customers get up to defend the customer who got shoved, including one man who walked over and punched him in the face, knocking him to the floor.

The angry anti-masker then stormed out whining that he had been assaulted and saying that he would call the police as patrons in the restaurant cheered.

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Watch the confrontation below.

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