Republican Voters Call Out GOP Lawmaker’s ‘Baloney’ On Calling MAGA Rioters ‘Tourists’

Ron Delancer

GOP Rep. Andrew Clyde, of Georgia, claimed last week that there was no insurrection and that the deadly riot looked lit a regular “tourist visit” to the Capitol. Now, some of his own constituents are calling out his lies.

On Wednesday, CNN reporter Gary Tuchman visited the congressman’s heavily conservative Georgia district and asked his constituents how they felt about Clyde’s characterization of the January 6 Capitol rioters as no different from “normal tourists.” And while many of his constituents weren’t overly concerned, one appeared outraged.

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“Congressman Clyde said it was a tourist visit,” said Tuchman. “Do you agree with that?”

“That’s horsesh*t,” said the man. “Baloney. That’s not true.”

“You disagree with the congressman?” asked Tuchman.

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“And you voted for him?” asked Tuchman.

“Yeah,” said the man. “Unfortunately.”

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