Only a Fool Believes Clarence Thomas Was Not involved In His Wife’s Treasonous Actions

Chris Stevens

Multiple media outlets reported Thursday that Ginni Thomas, a conservative activist and wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, sent emails to at least two Wisconsin Republican legislators just days after the 2020 election urging them to overturn President Biden’s victory and nominate an alternative slate of electors for Donald Trump.

According to The Washington Post, Thomas sent the emails on Nov. 9, 2020, to state Rep. Gary Tauchen and state Sen. Kathy Bernier, who serves as the chair of the Wisconsin Senate Elections Committee.

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The emails to the lawmakers were identical. Thomas asked them to “stand strong in the face of political and media pressure” and “take action to ensure that a clean slate of Electors is chosen for our state.”

“The responsibility is yours and yours alone — it doesn’t rest with any Board of Elections, Secretary of State, Governor, or even court. And it certainly doesn’t rest with the media,” Thomas wrote.

The emails were part of a larger effort by Thomas to urge officials to overturn the 2020 election. Lawmakers in Arizona also received emails from Thomas asking them to overturn the results, according to The Post.

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Ginni Thomas maintained text communications with then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows about the need to overturn the election, sending him conspiracy theory videos and texts like, “Do not concede. It takes time for the army who is gathering for Trump’s back.”

Meanwhile, her husband, Justice Clarence Thomas, did his part in the plot by continuing to rule on SCOTUS cases that directly impact the insurrection aftermath, including Donald Trump’s attempt to block the Jan. 6 select committee from getting White House documents. In fact, Thomas was the only Justice to dissent on that case.

This is hardly the first time Clarence Thomas failed to recuse himself when he faced obvious conflicts of interest. In 2000, he joined the majority in Bush v. Gore, handing the presidency to George W. Bush while his wife was actively aiding Bush’s transition team. In 2012, he participated in the first challenge to the Affordable Care Act even though his wife was being paid to lobby against it and to seek its repeal. And in 2017, he ruled to uphold Trump’s cruel Muslim ban while Ginni Thomas received funding from one of the organizations that urged the Court to uphold it.

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The country cannot allow conflicts of interest to undermine constitutional rulings. Clarence Thomas must be held to account for flouting the ethical rules that apply to every other judge in the nation.

RELATED: NYT: Clarance Thomas Said His Main Goal As Justice Is To ‘Make Liberals’ Lives Miserable’.

A majority of Americans agree that the House and Senate Judiciary Committees must conduct an investigation into Thomas’s ethical misconduct, and also to follow up with legislation to enforce a binding code of ethics on the justices of our Supreme Court.

A new poll shows that even before new reports showing Ginni Thomas may have leaked confidential information about the Supreme Court to a lawyer attempting to overturn the results of the election, a strong majority of Americans supported Congress launching a dedicated inquiry into Justice Clarence Thomas’ failure to recuse himself from cases related to the 2020 election.

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Additionally, a petition to impeach Thomas has racked over 1,253,000 signatures.

Clarence Thomas must go.

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