Jim Cavizel Goes on Wild Tangent About QAnon, Claims Trump Was ‘Selected By God’ To Do Jesus Things

Staff Writer

Actor Jim Cavizel, best known for playing Jesus in Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ,” has been in a media blast promoting his anti-child trafficking movie “Sound of Freedom.”

While talking about his new film, it wasn’t entirely shocking to see Caviezel go on a wild tangent about a QAnon conspiracy theory that liberal elites and members of Hollywood are secretly killing children in order to harvest adrenochrome from their blood for psychedelic experiences, satanic rituals, and even to extend their lifespan.

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What was shocking was his message to Donald Trump about the screening of “Sound of Freedom” at the former president’s Bedminster golf club on July 19. Cavizel praised the former president for doing “more than anyone” things Jesus talks about.

“I also want to say to Donald Trump, then when you watch this movie, you will be at peace and at rest because you, more than anyone, have done incredible things Jesus talks about, that you know faith without works is dead,” Caviezel told conservative podcast host Steve Bannon before comparing Trump to the biblical figure David.

“I believe Donald Trump was selected by God Almighty, and I’m talking about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit God,” he said.

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Caviezel also talked about a QAnon theory that claims liberal elites — often in Hollywood – drink the blood of infants to obtain their adrenochrome.

“That’s why the devil wants to kill him, wants to hurt them,” he insisted. “It’s always been this way since Pharaoh and then to Herod and now but more than ever and enslaving them and doing many, many things including organ harvesting and adrenochroming. And I will say that until I’m, you know, I’m dead.”

“It’s true, and there will be a lot of things that are going to come out,” he added.

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Caviezel concluded with a claim about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

“Well, eventually get to see what Trump talked about, the Hunter laptop from hell; what’s on that,” he said. “It’s from hell.”

Watch the full exchange below from Real America’s Voice.

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