Internet Responds After Jim Jordan Asks: ‘Who Is Going To Protect You?’ If Gun Control Laws Pass

Ron Delancer

Ohio Representative Jim Jordan on Monday slammed congressional Democrats for pushing gun control legislation aimed at stopping the recurring mass shootings across the nation, claiming on Twitter that Democrats have defunded the police and asking users “who is going to protect you?” if gun control laws are implemented.

“First, they #DefundThePolice. Now, Democrats want to make it tougher for law-abiding citizens to own a gun,” Jordan wrote before asking, “Who’s going to protect you?”

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The former Wrestling Coach has said that he opposes raising the age to 21 of purchasing semi-automatic rifles because “it’s unconstitutional.”

Yup. It appears that Jordan and his Republican allies believe the US constitution is a death pact that cannot be changed. So their position is that any law governing any aspect of gun ownership is a violation of the Second Amendment and people won’t be able to protect themselves against the government.

Naturally, Twitter users didn’t waste time in responding to “Jimbo’s” question.

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