House Republican In Legal Peril After Sharing Nude Photos Of NFL Cheerleaders In GOP Memo

Chris Stevens

Dozens of former Washington Commanders employees have hired attorneys to fight the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, requesting the immediate end of the distribution of images of former cheerleaders as part of an internal memo.

ESPN reported that attorneys Lisa Banks and Debra Katz sent a letter to the committee detailing the humiliation their clients have endured from the distribution of a House Committee Republican memo that included image attachments of the former cheerleaders’ breasts, buttocks, and private areas initially emailed by former team president Bruce Allen. The letter specifically requests the complete removal of the images from all Congressional records, electronic platforms, and databases.

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The attorneys said their clients were “humiliated and incensed by the GOP’s reckless dissemination of these photographs” in its internal memo, and they described the photographs as “sexualized and salacious.”

It was recently discovered by the Democrat-led House Committee that Commanders’ owner Daniel Snyder led a toxic work environment that included sexual harassment, gender bias and even hiring private investigators to spy on his employees, other NFL team owners, and even NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

The circulated GOP memo was part of the panel’s investigation of the team. Banks and Katz are questioning the Republican Party for including the photos in the memo.

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They stated that the GOP memo was a continuation of the blatant disrespect and devaluing of the former female employees that was prevalent throughout the Commanders’ corporate culture.

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