Unless you’re a Philadelphia local with gardening needs, you likely only just heard of Four Seasons Total Landscaping after former Donald Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani unintentionally gave the internet the ultimate meme inspiration.
We learned about the company when the defeated president announced his team was holding a press conference at the Four Seasons luxury hotel in Philadelphia. But Giuliani ended up holding the press conference outside Four Seasons Total Landscaping, a local business with a similar but very much distinguishable name. The result was a divinely laughable and ridiculous affair that saw Giuliani baselessly claiming voter fraud (with the help of a convicted sex offender, no less), all in a gravel parking lot under an unusually cruel November sun.
The confusion led to some very amusing memes and jokes designed to send us over the edge. But the landscaping company is trending again after the FBI raided Giuliani’s apartment and office this week.
Investigators reportedly searched Giuliani’s apartment on Wednesday as part of an investigation into his dealings with Ukraine.
They are looking into if Giuliani illegally lobbied the Trump administration on behalf of Ukrainian oligarchs, the same officials who were helping him search for dirt on Trump’s political foes, including then-Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. News outlets also reported that Giuliani’s electronic devices were seized.
Twitter users responded by bringing back the Four Seasons Total Landscaping debacle:
Update: Four Seasons Total Landscaping gave Rudy the boot. ( Talk about throwing shade!) https://t.co/1wLGu0sVpA
— Frank D'Elia (@FrankDElia7) April 28, 2021
You mean the guy who showed up at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, farted during a hearing, lost his composure multiple times on TV as he lied for Trump, and wore excessive hair dye that melted off his face could possibly be up to shady shenanigans? Nah.
— Wajahat "Fasting" Ali (@WajahatAli) April 28, 2021
Today is a good day to buy this Four Seasons Total Landscaping Rudy Giuliani Action Figure Momento 😂😂 pic.twitter.com/oddfyXTKPl
— Sue Me (@IAmHighOnHeels) April 28, 2021
The landscaping business where Giuliani once held a presidential press conference has something to say. https://t.co/bpEcn2V65d
— HuffPost Politics (@HuffPostPol) April 29, 2021
Rudy Giuliani when the FBI breaks down his apartment door while he is in the middle of adjusting his crotch
Also him during the press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping after pic.twitter.com/OCA48kZX9O
— Ross Anthony (@Ross_Swim14) April 28, 2021
If the FBI announces their arrest of Rudy Giuliani from the Four Seasons Total Landscaping, then the circle of life will be epically complete.
— Grant Stern is half-vaccinated (@grantstern) April 28, 2021
Which was the funniest Rudy moment?
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) April 29, 2021
Four Seasons Total Landscaping was the funniest moment in American politics generally, so seems an easy winner here.
— Orin Kerr (@OrinKerr) April 29, 2021
Looks like Rudy Giuliani is going to Four Seasons Total Landscaping Prison!
— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) April 28, 2021
Coming soon! In the final editing stage.
— Four Seasons Total Landscaping (@therealfstl1992) April 28, 2021
Later on Arrested Developments;
Four Seasons Total Landscaping
🤭 pic.twitter.com/ykRH0qiFbN— Teresita 🐣 I’m ur folla back girl ⤵ FBR #BLM #WI (@QuippieChick) April 28, 2021