During an interview aired on ABC News on Sunday, former Vice President Mike Pence slammed Donald Trump for putting his life in danger on January 6th, 2021, when Trump sent a tweet attacking Pence for not overturning the results of the 2020 election as a mob of Trump-backing rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol while chanting “hang Mike Pence.”
Pence called Trump’s words “reckless” and that he “endangered me and my family and everyone at the Capitol building.”
“It angered me but I turned to my daughter, who was standing nearby, and I said, ‘It doesn’t take courage to break the law, it takes courage to uphold the law,'” he said. “The president’s words were reckless. It was clear he decided to be part of the problem.”
Pence eventually oversaw the certification of President Joe Biden’s victory in the Senate after the MAGA crowd had been cleared from the Capitol.
During the interview, Pence suggested that Trump’s tweet was encouraging flatly illegal actions.
But critics are slamming the former Vice President for lacking the courage to say it on January 6.
Watch Trump’s interview and some of the reactions below:
Jan 6th Committee report can reference this.
DOJ little choice but to interview Pence.
“The president's words were reckless. It was clear he decided to be part of the problem.” Trump’s “words … endangered me and my family and everyone at the Capitol building."@ABCWorldNews pic.twitter.com/RlweBMaGlX
— Ryan Goodman (@rgoodlaw) November 13, 2022
What a craven coward.
Only took 13 months for Mike Pence to go on record & finally say "Trump was wrong." after 1/6. Now just grifting for $$$ & attention as thinks can actually be a viable candidate. This guy's political career needs to be on the ash-heap of history.
— Melba Unicorn (@melbaunicorn) November 14, 2022
Because as a result of the porcshowing by Trump backed candidates,he sees Trump's power waning. Now he's laying out messaging for his comeback tour.
— Hope (@Hopesteader) November 13, 2022
This man is morally bankrupt. He knew he was a danger. He allowed the danger to remain after the insurrection. He stayed silent. He is gaslighting for his own monetary and political gain.
— Mary Miller (@eaglzfan1967) November 14, 2022
Hey Mike Pence, REMEMBER that time you REFUSED to invoke the 25th Amendment? Remember that time you FAILED to testify for the impeachment hearings? Remember that time you FAILED to publicly testify for #January6th hearings? But now, book $$$$$
— Donna Young 📰 🗞️@donnayoungdc@mstdn.social (@DonnaYoungDC) November 14, 2022
WTH does Mike Pence know about courage?! It took him almost TWO YEARS to speak up and only now because he's trying to sell a book -and all he has to say is that Trump's words were "reckless?" This guy needs to say a hell of a lot more and it needs to be to the J6 Committee or DOJ
— Lettergirl (@lettergirl2020) November 14, 2022
What a coward.. 2 years later he tells the truth?? 🤷♀️🤬🤮🤡
— Sarah blum (@sarahchblum) November 14, 2022
Pence gets no credit. Absolutely no credit! He was part of a corrupt, lawless admin for 4 years. He put Trump and himself before country.
— Sarcastic Introvert 🌻🇵🇹 🇺🇸 (@runningonq) November 14, 2022
he waited until after his party got smoked in the midterms, just like a true republican. sorry mike, you can't jump off the fence and be on the right side of history now, you had your chance and blew it.
— testure (@testure1) November 14, 2022
What a coward, he could/should have said something J7 instead of waiting almost 2 years.
— Pat Vasquez (@PVassuez) November 14, 2022
Worse, he KNEW what Trump was planning. And did nothing to stop it.
— Jade Jurek – Supporter of Ukraine (@JadeJurek) November 14, 2022