Young Republicans President Calls For A Civil War: ‘We Want To Get Dirty’

Chris Stevens

Gavin Wax, the president of the New York Republicans Club, did not take back his comments on Wednesday on his call to wage “war” on the “leftists” in America.

Appearing on Steve Bannon’s podcast, Wax continued to push many of the same themes in his weekend speech in which he threw out violent rhetoric to denounce his political opponents.

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“For too long, Republicans have been content to lose with their heads held high,” he complained. “We just don’t want that approach anymore. We want to get dirty. We want to get into the trenches. We want to punch back, punch back hard, and wage a full-on offensive against the left in this country. And that goes beyond just politics, that goes beyond the electoral system, that’s in the culture, that’s in the media, that’s in the courtroom!”

To put an even finer point on it, Wax said, “This is a holistic, multifront war that we are waging!”

Take a look at his remarks below:

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