White Woman Lashes Out At Black Security Guard For Trying To Help Her In Racially-Provoked Attack: Watch

Ron Delancer

The racism spewed out of a white woman after a black security guard tried to help her during an altercation.

According to KGTV-TV, Rodney Jackson was working outside the Pinnacle on Park apartment complex when the woman verbally attacked him after she was asked to leave a party at the apartment building.

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“I was trying my best to diffuse the situation, and she just continued to antagonize,” said Jackson, who recorded the encounter. “It kind of caught me off guard because I’ve never dealt with anything like that before.”

According to Jackson, the woman seemed intoxicated so he offered to help.

“She went outside and started arguing with some people walking back, I asked her to come in the building, and I’ll call her a cab,” Jackson said.

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That’s when the woman started using racial slurs.

“If you’re going to act like a n*gger, then I’m going to call you n*gger,” the woman shouts at Jackson. “I don’t f*cking care!”

Jackson did not retaliate. He remained calm as he asked the woman to stop using racist language, but the abuse continued.

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“My mother and my grandmother, they raised me never to let anyone get me too upset to where it gets me out of character or changes the person that I am,” Jackson said. “They raised me to be a strong Black man.”

Take a look at the video clip below:

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