Whistleblower Drops Truth Bomb On Truth Social

Ron Delancer

A whistleblower has told The Washington Post that a co-founder of Truth Social’s media parent company was forced off the board of the firm after he ignored demands by Donald Trump to give some of his stock to Melania Trump.

The ousted executive, Will Wilkerson told the Post that Trump pushed for the giveaway to his wife even though he had already been given 90% of the stock in the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) in exchange for the use of his name and some other “minor involvement.”

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Wilkerson rejected the request, telling Trump that it would leave him with a tax bill he couldn’t pay. “Do whatever you need to do,” Trump snapped back, according to the co-founder.

He was later forced off the board in what Wilkerson believes was payback for failing to turn over a “small fortune” to Melania Trump, The Post reported Saturday.

According to the newspaper, Wilkerson was fired from his job Thursday as TMTG senior vice president of operations after he spoke to The Post.

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The incident was one of a series of bombshell revelations supported by several documents obtained by the newspaper about bitter infighting in the Trump business, technical screwups, and questionable financial representations.

Wilkerson knew they were violations of Securities and Exchange regulations, and submitted a whistleblower complaint to the SEC in August regarding the company, The Post reported. Wilkerson’s attorney’s told the newspaper that he is also cooperating with current investigations into Trump Media by the SEC and by federal prosecutors from the Southern District of New York.

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