Paula White Tells Followers To Ignore Trump’s Flaws And To Pray God Gives Him ‘Supernatural’ Strength And Discernment

Ron Delancer

During a Skype message to her followers, Donald Trump’s spiritual adviser Paula White praised the president’s response to the novel coronavirus and called on people to pray for Trump so God gives him “supernatural” strength and discernment.

She also implored her followers to ignore Trump’s failures, arguing that this is the time to “be patient” and “gracious.”

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“…maybe you don’t understand him or like everything about his personality or one of his tweets offended you,” White said. “But all of us need that empathy, and empathy is not just where I feel for you. Empathy is, I’m gonna put myself in your shoes.”

She added: “could you imagine leading the most powerful country with thousands of people who have died — you hear him, if you saw him in his press conferences, you saw him in the town hall the other night on Fox, you see how much he cares about human life…”

Watch the video below, via Right Wing Watch.

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