‘We Have The Tapes’: Chris Christie Humiliated After Trying To Defend Kevin McCarthy’s Lies On Jan 6

Ron Delancer

During a panel discussion on ABC on Sunday, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) tried to defend House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s lies about Jan. 6, only to be ridiculed by correspondent Jonathan Karl.

Addressing the controversy, Christie argued that reports claiming McCarthy called for then-President Donald Trump to resign after Jan. 6 were untrue.

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According to Christie, McCarthy said that the resignation should only occur if the Senate had the votes to convict Trump.

However, Karl was quick to point out that the words McCarthy said about Trump had been accurately reported.

“I have to say, with all due respect, Gov. Christie, I don’t think you’re characterizing what was on that tape accurately,” Karl said. “There’s no way to listen to that tape and think that Kevin McCarthy told the truth. That tape, you hear Kevin McCarthy saying I’ve had it with that guy, referring to Donald Trump.”

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“You hear Kevin McCarthy say he’s going to call Donald Trump and his recommendation would be that he resign,” he insisted.

Christie disagreed but Karl refused to back down.

“It is true!” Karl said.

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Unable to defend his claim about McCarthy’s remarks, Christie tried to change the subject. Burt Karl would not let himoff the hook and brought the subject back

“You have the tapes,” Karl told Christie. “Every quote in that original story is backed up by the tapes. Every single quote and McCarthy has come to the world and said it was all fake news, it’s not true. Now, maybe, maybe, you think that doesn’t matter. Maybe it doesn’t matter politically but there is a question of credibility. The denial was not accurate. The denial was, in fact, a lie.”

Christie was left speechless.

Watch the discussion in the video below.

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