Unhinged ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Rages At School Officials In Wild Rant Over Mask Mandate: ‘I’d Rather See This School In Ashes!’

Ron Delancer

An anti-mask woman launched a furious anti-mask tirade in which she accused local school officials of trying to “suffocate” children and saying that she’d rather see the school burn to ashes before following the rules.

The incident was caught on video, which was promoted and endorsed by disgraced former Trump national security adviser Mike Flynn, begins with the woman telling school officials that she’d “rather see this school in ashes than see you sit there with your pockets full while you suffocate our children.”

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The woman then declared that “we are sovereign citizens of the United States of America” and told the school officials that “you have no power to usurp the rights of our children or the authority that we have over our children!”

The woman concluded her rant by saying, “We the people have had enough, you are on notice, you will all be gone if you don’t change your ways, right now!”

Flynn endorsed the woman’s rant on his Telegram channel and wrote, “God bless this courageous, smart and very savvy mother.”

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He then added that “the only issue I have is there should be thousands of citizens jammed into the room behind her.”

Watch the video below.

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