Trump Struggles To Explain What Melania Has Been Doing Since Leaving The White House

Ron Delancer

Former President Donald Trump, who bragged in the past about knowing “lots of words, big words,” found himself struggling to explain his wife’s activities since leaving the White House nearly six months ago.

During an interview on Newsmax, the hosts asked Trump what Melania Trump had been up to since leaving Washington, D.C., as President Joe Biden was sworn in.

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Trump answered with a rambling explanation that turned grammar and English composition upside down.

“It’s very funny,” Trump began. “She’s a very confident person. She was very successful as a model, she was very, very successful. and she is low key, but not actually low key, but she’s low key and the people love her. For instance, I’m making a speech in Ohio, where they’re going to have big crowds, they already have them lined up. We’re going have big crowds tomorrow night, and when I go there, there will be many, many signs. ‘We love our first lady, we love our first lady,’ and a lot of times they show a picture of a high heel, a shoe with a high heel.”

He then went off on a tirade about media coverage of his wife’s outfit while touring damage wrought by Hurricane Harvey.

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“That’s when they scammed us, when she went to a hurricane, and in Texas, and we left for Air Force One, and she feels an obligation to be beautifully dressed representing the people of our country, so she walked into the plane wearing, you know, we’re looking great,” the twice-impeached one-term president said. “And then she had a bag and the bag was sneakers and a sweatsuit and all the things, right? And she got hammered for going to a hurricane that way, you know, etc., etc., and the high heels became a big thing, anyway. They love the first lady and the people, and you don’t read that, you don’t read that and they, the news loves to keep her out, and that’s okay, frankly, with her it’s absolutely okay. You understand, she’s got a lot of confidence, got a lot of confidence.”

The hosts attempted to move on to one last topic as Trump’s blabber about his wife went on and on, but he continued ranting about media coverage of her.

“She is very outstanding person and the people get it,” Trump said. “You know she’d do those decorations at Christmastime. She’d do such a job and then get hammered. She did such a beautiful job around the White House, and with the Rose Garden, she rebuilt the Rose Garden, which was actually a much more difficult thing that it sounds and. It’s now good for another 50 years, that included all of the wires and all of the everything under the Rose Garden that nobody sees. But it looks like the dashboard of a Boeing 757. It’s complicated stuff, and she did a great job, and the people — I can only tell you the people get it, and they really like our first lady.”

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