Trump To Send Feds To Kenosha To Crack Down On BLM Protestors, Fails To Condemn Deadly Shooter

Ron Delancer

Donald Trump took to Twitter on Wednesday, not to condemn Kyle Rittenhouse for murdering protestors in Kenosha on Tuesday night, but to attack Black Lives Matter demonstrators who were protesting the shooting of Jacob Blake.

This week, demonstrators have taken to the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin, to protest the police shooting of Blake. Over the weekend, Kenosha police shot Blake seven times while he had his back to them.

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On Tuesday night, Rittenhouse opened fire during the protest and killed two demonstrators while leaving one wounded.

Trump has decided to attack the protestors on Wednesday while saying nothing about the shooter.

“We will NOT stand for looting, arson, violence, and lawlessness on American streets,” Trump tweeted. “My team just got off the phone with Governor Evers who agreed to accept federal assistance (Portland should do the same!)”

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“TODAY, I will be sending federal law enforcement and the National Guard to Kenosha, WI to restore LAW and ORDER!” the president added.

RELATED: Lindsey Graham Appears To Justify Shooting Of Jacob Blake But Says ‘I Don’t Know The Facts’

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