Trump Goes On Rant Lying About Testing After Reporter Asks Why Cases Didn’t Go Down To Zero Like He Said

Ron Delancer

In late February, the United States had 15 confirmed cases of COVID-19. At that time, Donald Trump assured the nation that it was being taken care of and that the cases would soon reach zero.

About two months after those comments, The United States has reached over a million confirmed cases with and nearly 60,000 people have died from contracting the virus.

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On Tuesday, Trump was asked by a reporter why the number didn’t reach zero as he had promised in late February. In response, Trump claimed that he didn’t lie and that the numbers will eventually reach zero.

But his rant didn’t stop there. He went on to claim that the U.S. has done more testing than all the other nations combined. That is, in fact, wrong and untrue.

While the United States has tested more people than other nations, the other countries aren’t far behind in testing.

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Take a look at his rant in the video clip below:

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