Trump Campaign Official Says Trump’s ‘Leadership’ During Pandemic Has Saved Almost 2 Million Lives

Ron Delancer

During an appearance on Fox News on Wednesday, Trump campaign national spokesperson Hogan Gidley found some unexpected pushback while in the friendly confines of Fox & Friends after he tried to claim that life is “undoubtedly” better for Americans right now. He also claimed that Trump’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has saved “millions of lives.”

Gidley began his interview on the president’s favorite morning show by lavishing over-the-top praise on the boss.

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“Trump is so unique, he’s so powerful and so strong and he’s been so well-accomplished throughout his life, that he’s been so successful,” he cheerfully exclaimed. “His first run for politics he won the presidency of the United States!”

After offering a half-cooked response to Trump’s decision to withdraw America from the World Health Organization, Gidley turned his attention to the Democratic presidential nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, claiming he “wants to defund the police.”

“We just want to say that Vice President Biden never said he would defund the police,” co-host Brian Kilmeade interjected, correcting Gidley.

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Kilmeade then asked Gidley about Trump’s upcoming New Hampshire rally, wondering aloud what kind of precautions the campaign was taking to help minimize the spread of coronavirus as cases spike across the nation. Gidley, meanwhile, was focused more on the message Trump wants to deliver to his supporters.

“The president wants to go in there and talk about all the accomplishments he’s done in his first term and how he has made people’s lives better,” Gidley declared. “It answers the age-old question: Are you better off now than you were before? The answer undoubtedly is yes.”

Kilmeade, however, wasn’t buying it.

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“Wait! With the pandemic, you know the growth is not there,” the pro-Trump host shot back. “You know that unemployment is still 11 percent. So you can’t really say you are better off than you were three years ago. Because, at the very least, the pandemic. So you can’t really say that, right?”

Plowing right through, an undeterred Gidley held tight to his talking points.

“No, absolutely, of course you can say that,” he confidently proclaimed. “Because, listen, this global pandemic hit all of us. Not just here in this country, but all across the world.”

He then went on to claim that Trump’s actions during the health crisis saved millions of lives.

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“This president’s decisions, his leadership saved almost two million lives in this country,” he boldly proclaimed.

The American public, however, would appear to disagree with Gidley. A recent Morning Consult poll found that 75 percent of Americans feel that the country is currently on the wrong track.

Watch the video below:

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