Reality Bites Fox News’ Laura Ingraham As She Finally Admits Biden Beat Trump

Ron Delancer

During Monday night’s edition of Fox News Channel’s “The Ingraham Angle,” right-wing host Laura Ingraham warned her viewers on Monday night that it’s just about over for President Donald Trump ― and that they should be ready for President-elect Joe Biden.

“Unless the legal situation changes in a dramatic and frankly an unlikely manner, Joe Biden will be inaugurated on Jan. 20,” she declared.

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“To say this does not constitute being a sellout to the conservative populist movement that I’ve been fighting for, I don’t know, 25 years. And it does not mean that I disagree all with the President’s right and obligation to pursue all legitimate legal challenges to this outcome. To say this constitutes living in reality, and if I offered you a false reality, if I told you that there was an excellent, phenomenal chance that the Supreme Court was going to step in and deliver a victory to President Trump, I would be lying to you.,” she added.

Trump has falsely claimed he won the election, and his team has filed fruitless legal challenges across multiple states in an attempt to throw out votes. He has vowed to appeal these cases to the Supreme Court.

Ingraham also argued that Trump’s focus should be on the two Georgia U.S. Senate seats up on January 5 and said the President was poised to be still the most important man in American politics.

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