Texas Republican Under Fire After Suggesting George Floyd’s Death Was ‘Staged’ To Hurt Trump

Ron Delancer

Bexar County Republican Party Chair Cynthia Brehm is now under fire after sharing a conspiracy theory on her Facebook page that claimed that the murder of George Floyd was “staged” to hurt Donald Trump’s reelection chances.

According to the Statesman, the office of Texas Governor Gregg Abbot is calling for Brehm to resign over her comments.

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“These comments are disgusting and have no place in the Republican Party or in public discourse,” said John Wittman, who is Governor Greg Abbot’s communications director. “Cynthia Brehm should immediately resign her position as chair of the Bexar County Republican Party.”

Brehm, who has claimed that the coronavirus pandemic is a Democratic hoax, suggested in her post that Floyd’s death was staged in order to damage Trump. The post has since been deleted.

The text of Brehm’s now-deleted post read as follows:

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“These officers were involved in something, I’m not sure exactly what, but something is just not adding up. Also this supposed officer is now missing from his home, no where to be found has the smell of MK Ultra activation. I think that there is at the very least the ‘possibility,’ that this was a filmed public execution of a black man by a white cop, with the purpose of creating racial tensions and driving a wedge in the growing group of anti deep state sentiment from common people, that have been already been psychologically traumatized by COVID 19 fears. Historically, in election years and politically contested areas or groups, racial or gun violence incidents are becoming common place. Considering the rising approval level of President Trump in the black community an event like this was entirely ‘Predictable.’”

Abbot isn’t the only Republican to call for her resignation. Other Texas Republicans joined in calling for Brehm to resign.

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Travis County Republican Party Chairman Matt Mackowiak tweeted, “she must resign now,” adding that she’s “been an embarrassment for 2 years.”

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