Steve Mnuchin Called Out By Fox News Reporter For Trying To Cover Up Trump’s Disparaging Of US Troops

Ron Delancer

Donald Trump’s Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin appeared on Fox News on Sunday and claimed that he had never been in a room with the president and heard him speak ill of military service members. That lie was then fact-checked by Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin.

When asked by guest host Bret Baier about Trump calling killed military members “losers” and “suckers,” Mnuchin replied, “So, no, quite the contrary, I think this president has enormous respect for the military and for the generals, and I’ve been at the tank at the Pentagon with him. I’ve been at 9/11 at Pentagon with him. This president respects and supports the U.S. military.”

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Griffin told Fox News that she spoke with sources and confirmed that Mnuchin was present when Trump uttered his vile statements.

Griffin said this about the Treasury Secretary: “Mnuchin was in the Tank meeting at the Pentagon on July 20, 2017, when the president berated the Pentagon four-star generals, calling them losers, and dopes, and babies.”

Griffin continued, “So when Mnuchin says he’s never heard the president speak that way of the military or to generals that’s patently false.”

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“I confirmed with people who were present at the meeting the president use those exact words in the Pentagon,” Griffin unequivocally stated.

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