During an interview with The New York Times, Steve Bannon seemed to believe he was executing a cunning strategy when he outlined a complex plan orchestrated by Donald Trump’s allies aimed at bolstering third-party candidates to siphon votes away from President Biden.
A crucial aspect of this plan, Bannon revealed, involves promoting Green Party contender Jill Stein by highlighting Biden’s support for oil production, with the aim of drawing environmentally conscious voters away from him. Bannon stated:
“No Republican knows that oil production under Biden is higher than ever. But Jill Stein’s people do. … Stein is furious about the oil drilling. The college kids are furious about it. The more exposure these [third-party candidates] get, the better it is for us.”
Bannon’s strategy appears to be a sophisticated maneuver in the political game, except for one glaring flaw. If one takes a moment to ponder Bannon’s assertion that “oil production under Biden is higher than ever,” it completely undermines one of Trump’s major fabrications: the notion that Biden’s initiatives to transition the nation towards a decarbonized economy have jeopardized America’s “energy independence,” rendering us feeble and hollow.
This episode reveals a fundamental aspect of how the MAGA movement wages its battles in the realm of information. Noticeably, Bannon exhibits no qualms about the contradiction between revealing the truth about Biden’s policies to left-leaning, environmentally conscious voters and perpetuating Trump’s falsehoods to his core supporters.
It’s not just about the instrumental utility of assertions for Bannon; it’s also about his unwavering confidence that the very voters who need to hear the truth – those in the industrial and Appalachian regions targeted by Trump’s propaganda – will never be exposed to it, even if it’s admitted to in a major publication.
Trump’s narrative of “energy independence” holds immense significance for his campaign. His central argument is that his administration achieved record-breaking oil production, symbolizing strength, while Biden’s policies represent a “war on American energy,” supposedly leading to various societal ills.
In reality, Biden’s green policies are driving investments in rebuilding the industrial base through green energy manufacturing, generating numerous advanced manufacturing jobs, particularly in communities targeted by Trump’s rhetoric. Green manufacturing strengthens the nation, preparing it for the challenges posed by climate change.
Significantly, under Biden, the U.S. is producing more oil and natural gas than ever before. Moreover, Trump’s role in the recent oil boom is overstated, as it began before his presidency due to advancements in energy technologies.
The concept of “energy independence” is inherently convoluted, as oil is a global commodity, making nations susceptible to international shocks. However, the solution lies in transitioning away from fossil fuels, not drilling more, as Trump advocates. By Trump’s own metric, Biden has achieved more energy independence, while simultaneously steering the nation towards a post-carbon economy.
Bannon is well aware of these facts, yet Trump and his allies persist in spreading falsehoods. They understand that their narrative is deceitful, yet they continue to propagate it.
While some progressive voters might have legitimate concerns about oil production under Biden, the broader narrative is that Biden is steering the country towards a decarbonized economy by incentivizing renewable energy sources.
Ultimately, Trump’s attacks on Biden’s energy policies serve a meta-narrative that transcends policy specifics. They portray Trump as the protector against perceived threats associated with green energy, while painting Biden as leaving the nation vulnerable.
This manipulation of narratives is evident in Trump’s proposal for across-the-board tariffs, which contradicts Democratic green policies. However, Trump frames his tariffs as protective measures, while portraying Biden’s agenda as a liability, effectively coding each policy for certain voter segments.
Bannon comprehends this dynamic fully. His statement that “no Republican knows” about high oil production under Biden implies that Republican voters remain oblivious to Trump’s deceit. Bannon and other MAGA propagandists wield their influence over information channels to shield Trump’s supporters from the truth, confident in their ability to succeed.