During the first episode of Saturday Night Live after this month’s midterm elections, the show opened with a segment of “Fox & Friends” in which the hosts lamented the Republican Party’s lackluster performance at the polls, while roasting Arizona GOP candidate Kari Lake and former president Donald Trump.
The segment began with an interview of Kari Lake, portrayed by SNL alum Cecily Strong, to answer questions about her refusal to admit defeat in her race for Arizona governor, and flip flops between blaming Democracy for her loss, if she does in fact lose, and thanking Democracy for helping her win if that ends up being the unlikely outcome.
“What a terrible week for the GOP,” Mikey Day’s Steve Doocy began. “The Dems are retaining control of the Senate, so what the heck happened to that red wave that people were talking about?”
“Nearly every candidate Trump backed lost this week, except for one” he added, before introducing Strong as Lake.
“Greeting from Arizona, where the average age and temperature is 95,” Strong says before railing against the election system one minute when she was losing and then urging viewers to trust the process the next when she was leading again.
“Well we are rooting for you, Kari. We know the votes will go your way,” says Day as Doocy.
“Well if they don’t, I’ll burn Arizona to the ground,” Strong says in closing.
Moments later, James Austin Johnson’s Donald Trump called in from his daughter Tiffany’s wedding. When the hosts congratulated him on the big day, he responded, “Who? Oh yeah, they’re just doing the vows.”
“Mr. President, I don’t know how to tell you this, but we’ve moved on,” Heidi Gardner’s Ainsley Earhardt told him eventually. “We can’t have you on the show anymore.”
“What did I do? Was it the insurrection? The impeachments? Blackmailing Ukraine? Charlottesville? The murder?” Trump asked. “Just kidding.”
“It was because you lost,” Doocy explained. “And Mr. President, we just don’t see a future with you, but we can still be friends.” As Trump desperately tried to tease his “big announcement” on Nov. 15, they finally gave him the hook.
“That was awkward, but we’re finally free!” Doocy said.