‘RINOS!’: Trump Melts Down On Twitter Over Romney And Toomey’s Rebuke Of Roger Stone Clemency

Ron Delancer

President Donald Trump launched into a Twitter meltdown late Saturday, attacking two Republican senators after they criticized his decision to commute the prison sentence of longtime confidant and former campaign adviser Roger Stone, who was convicted of seven felony charges related to the Trump campaign.

In his tweet, Trump accused Sens. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) of being “RINOS,” a pejorative meaning “Republican in name only.”

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“Do RINO’S Pat Toomey & Mitt Romney have any problem with the fact that we caught Obama, Biden, & Company illegally spying on my campaign?” Trump asked in a tweet, claiming that an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election included “lying and leaking all the way.”

“NO!” he added.

Romney and Toomey are so far the only Republican senators to publicly rebuke Trump’s move to commute Stone’s sentence.

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Stone was due to report to prison on Tuesday to serve a 40-month sentence for crimes uncovered in former special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference and Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

The Republican operative was convicted on seven felony charges, including lying to Congress, witness tampering and obstructing a proceeding.

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