Right-Wing Conspiracy Theorist Says Dems Will ‘Incarcerate And Kill’ Christians If Trump Isn’t Reelected

Ron Delancer

Right-wing conspiracy theorist Robert Maginnisa appeared on the Up Front In The Prophetic radio program at the end of the decade to warn that if Donald Trump isn’t reelected then Christians will pay the ultimate price.

According to Right Wing Watch, Maginnis claimed that Christians will be imprisoned and killed if Trump is not reelected later this year.

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On the December 31 radio program, host Francine Fosdick and Maginnis voiced their concerns.

“I really believe, Bob, that the Lord has given us a chance — a last chance — to stand for righteousness,” she said. “I believe that God has placed our beloved President Trump in the position to fight for us [so] 2020 is critical, isn’t it?”

“It’s absolutely critical,” Maginnis responded and warned that if Democrats gain control in the election they will persecute Christians. “If you’ve got the keys to the jail, you control it, and then you determine who is going to go in it and who is going to stay out of it. And I tell you, Christians are the ones who are going to go in first.”

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“We are the salt and light in this culture, and we are the targets,” he added. “The progressives hate us to the point that they would do exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews on Kristallnacht in November of 1938. They would go after them, and they would incarcerate them, and they would kill them if possible. We’re at a turning point, and it’s a very critical turning point. People need to understand history; history has a terrible way of repeating itself.”

You can listen to the conversation below:

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