On Thursday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) sparked the ire of the internet after he unveiled a new monoclonal antibody center and urged Floridians to buy the $29,000 dollar treatment in the battle against surging COVID-19 cases in the state, instead of just getting a free vaccine and use a mask.
A monoclonal antibody is a treatment that can help prevent the COVID-19 virus from attaching to host human cells. Medical workers can provide this treatment to patients who are 12 years or older, according to the news release. It costs $1250 a dose, and a complete treatment averages $29,000.
But the outrageous price is not a problem for DeSantis, who shared the state has opened a monoclonal antibody center in Jacksonville, saying that state officials will explore adding other long-term locations outside of Jacksonville.
“Monoclonal antibody treatments such as Regeneron have had a major impact in preventing hospitalizations & saved lives,” DeSantis wrote in a tweet. “We are utilizing monoclonal antibody strike teams to bring treatment directly to our vulnerable populations in long-term care facilities.”
DeSantis’s promotion of Regeneron comes as Florida has become the epicenter of the recent surge of COVID-19 cases in the U.S., as the highly contagious delta variant is hitting the unvaccinated hard.
The Republican governor has been under fire for opposing new COVID restrictions and is at war with state school districts over implementing mask mandates for children.
Naturally, people took to social media to respond to DeSantis’s tone-deaf move.
At the cost of $1250 a dose. Or just get a fucking vaccine and wear a god damn mask.
— Irishrygirl (@irishrygirl) August 12, 2021
Great….putting children at unnecessary risk and making an informercial for campaign donor doesn’t look good….
— Alejandro Villegas (@thecorpmex) August 12, 2021
Yet you have the second worst infections in the entire country third in the world ???? Doesnt sound like success to us
— Pissed Vet 🌊 (@CmbtVet65) August 12, 2021
I had to pick my 8-year old son up today, day 3 of school, because he was exposed to a child who is COVID-positive. How are working parents supposed to take you seriously about keeping Florida's economy going when we will now be missing work to stay with our kids in quarantine?
— Kelly LaFollette (@lafollettek) August 12, 2021
.@GovRonDeSantis met last week with the CEO of Regeneron, which afterwards he began pimping their monoclonal antibody over getting a vaccine must have resulted in a massive campaign donation.
Vaccines are free
Monoclonal antibody therapy costs $29,000
— Carol Forden (@CarolForden) August 12, 2021
Regeneron costs between $1500-6500 per dose. The vaccinations are free. Shouldn't people decide which one they want to get? Both treatments are EUA by the FDA. Why push a more expensive treatment that people may not be able to afford? Shouldn't that be their decision, not yours?
— Nick (@Nick04896213) August 12, 2021
Regeneron was tested using a cell line from donated fetal tissue. I’m assuming since you’re advocating the treatment, you’ve come over to the side of “pro choice”, yes?
(As an aside, I am pro-choice, just find it hypocritical of the GQP to tout Regeneron)
— cyn (@Repubsforbiden) August 12, 2021
You have blood on your hands. The blood of children is on your hands.
— Steven Boyer (@SteveBoyer5000) August 12, 2021
Raise your hand if you think that Ron DeSantis needs to be removed from office immediately.🤚
— Lara – Florida Hostage (@DPWIMM) August 12, 2021
No one would need therapies like this if you would just recommend universal vaccination and MASK WEARING. People shouldn't have to get deathly ill and risk Long Covid for your deranged, sociopathic political goals
— Stefanie Iris Weiss 🔥 (@EcoSexuality) August 12, 2021
You do not need this shit if you get vaxxed and wear a mask.
— PCR RitesGood (@pcrritesgood) August 12, 2021
Isn't it easier just to get the vaccine and wear a mask than it is to have to get hospitalized and be subjected to an experimental treatment?
— ((MRW))🇺🇸 (@marcyrw) August 12, 2021
I have to recognize Ron DeSantis is brilliant:
Here is his strategy:
Instead of preventing the spread and contagion of #COVID19, we will let people to get sick and then treat them.#Florida : this is brilliant. Man, why Marco Rubio or Matt Gaetz didn’t think about this before! pic.twitter.com/hiN0jKtue8
— 🌊Biker Phill Johnson 🌊 (@PhillBiker) August 12, 2021