‘Pull Me Off The Air!’: Eric Bolling Explodes, Storms Off BBC Interview After Being Called Out For Pretending To Care About Black Voters

Ron Delancer

Conservative commentator and former Fox News host Eric Bolling lashed out a fellow panelist before storming off a BBC News debate Wednesday evening about the new Georgia voter suppression law.

Last week, Georgia-based corporations, including Coca-Cola, Delta and Microsoft, called the Republican legislation “unacceptable” because it makes voting difficult for normally disenfranchised groups.

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At one point during the discussion, Bolling made the case that Major League Baseball pulling the All-Star game was going to hurt people of color because the people working at the game would likely be people of color. By that same reasoning, Colorado will likely have people of color working the All-Star game as well. The purpose of the boycott is to target the tax-payer dollars that the state would receive.

The other panelist, Aisha Mills, a woman of color, attempted to respond. But Bolling rudely waved her off and demanded she allows him to finish his condescension.

“I think it’s really rich for anyone, especially a white man, to run around pretending to care about the economic position of Black communities and Black businesses,” she said.

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Wagging his finger, Bolling shouted, “That’s not fair!”

She explained she’s never worked for Joe Biden nor is she affiliated with him, but she is a Black woman whose family came from the Jim Crow south.

“And how dare you act like you are somehow a proponent of Black people and businesses just to make a point and just to create a wedge,” she clapped back. “It’s ignorant and it’s just disrespectful.”

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“That’s disgusting! I’m done! Pull me off the air!” Bolling ranted before storming off.

See the video below:

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