‘Pro-Life’ Republican Whose Wife Had 2 Abortions And Paid For His Mistress To Get Another, Goes Silent After Roe Decision

Ron Delancer

Tennessee representative Scott DesJarlais, whose ex-wife had two abortions and paid for his mistress to have an abortion, has been very quiet after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade. But he maintains that he’s 100 percent pro-life, The Daily Beast reports.

In 2014, Politico awarded him “the biggest hypocrite in Congress” award, pointing to his scandal-plagued life that should have ended any other political career.

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Rumors began in 2012 about the affairs the congressman had with co-workers and patients that were well documented in his divorce. As noted by Raw Story, “He ultimately fell under an ethics investigation after pressuring a patient to go to Georgia to abort the pregnancy he caused.”

“DesJarlais claims he was trying to get her to admit she wasn’t really pregnant,” according to Politico. However, she was actually pregnant. “DesJarlais’ lawyers fought the file’s release, even though it was a public record.”

Politico added: “The day before the election, they and Democratic attorneys still were arguing in a Chattanooga courtroom over how fast the documents could be transcribed. DesJarlais lost the case, but the ruling came too late for the voters. Tennesseans didn’t learn the full extent of his behavior until after their ballots had been cast.”

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Raw Story noted that “since then, the voters in the state don’t seem to care about his hypocrisy, his affairs, his ethics investigations, or that he’s been fined by the medical boards for misconduct.”

Read the full report at The Daily Beast.

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