Pastor Urges Trump To Physically Attack Brian Kemp To ‘Get The Message Across’

Ron Delancer

Rev. Darrell Scott, who is a prominent supporter of Donald Trump, took to Twitter on Saturday to urge the president to make his way down to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s home and physically attack him until he agrees to help Trump out.

“The Potus needs to go down to GA today, kick Governor Kemps door in, slap him around a little bit, and make him do a recount of LEGAL votes. @realkareemdream and I will accompany him to help get the message across to Kemp,” the servant of Jesus Christ advised.

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Scott has faced accusations of funneling cash to voters, with Politico reporting the pastor runs a “nonprofit organization called the Urban Revitalization Coalition [that] has been holding events in black communities in which voters hear effusive praise about the president and then are given the opportunity to win cash prizes.”

RELATED: Trump Lashed Out At Brian Kemp During Phone Call, Called Him A ‘Moron’ And A ‘Nutjob’

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