Oops! Mark Robinson Inadvertently Admits Racist and Lewd Porn Site Comments May Be His After All

Staff Writer
Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson addresses voters in Wilkesboro, North Carolina. (Screenshot: X)

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson is under increasing scrutiny after a CNN investigative report linked him to a series of disturbing comments on a pornographic website. While he initially dismissed the claims, his recent remarks are raising more questions.

In a recent meet-and-greet with voters, Robinson lashed out at CNN for what he called “false lies,” pledging to take legal action against the network. He stated, “We’re not here to talk about 15- or 20-year-old salacious, false lies.” Yet, in the same breath, he remarked, “They want to talk about what possibly happened 15 years ago,” suggesting those past comments were made by him after all.

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The CNN report detailed Robinson’s lewd remarks, including self-identifying as a “black Nazi” and expressing arousal from watching women in public showers and trans porn. These statements starkly contrast with his current anti-LGBTQ rhetoric.

Compounding the controversy, multiple sources revealed that Robinson rejected several offers from supporters to connect him with IT specialists who could investigate the origins of the username tied to the offensive comments. This refusal reportedly sowed doubt among some staff members, leading to the resignation of at least eight campaign employees, including his campaign manager and finance director.

The fallout has been swift: the Republican Governors Association has halted ad spending for Robinson, and GOP leaders in North Carolina are distancing themselves from him as the November 5 election approaches. Even former supporter Donald Trump was absent from a recent rally, signaling a retreat from Robinson’s troubled campaign.

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As the race intensifies, the Cook Political Report has shifted its forecast from “leans Democrat” to “likely Democrat,” further complicating Robinson’s path to victory against Democratic attorney general Josh Stein.

Robinson insists he remains focused on his campaign, declaring, “We are not gonna let CNN throw us off of our mission. Our mission is to win this race.”

Watch Robinson’s remarks in the clip below from CNN:

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