Marjorie Taylor Greene Blames Medications, Not Guns, For Mass Shootings

Ron Delancer

In the wake of the mass shooting in Highland Park, Illinois, on July 4, GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, of Georgia, dismissed any conversation about gun control, and instead suggested —without evidence— that there’s a link between the recurring mass shootings and medication.

After authorities identified the shooter, 22-year-old Robert E. Crimo III, Greene tweeted:

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“Is this going to be another story where some crazy manifesto will be found? Greene wrote. “Are we going to be told every ‘weapon of war’ and amount of ammo he bought yet the public won’t be told his prescription drug history or recreational drug history.”

“When are we going to have an honest conversation about drug abuse, mental illness, and SSRI’s??? And deadly side effects,” the Q-Anon-aligned lawmaker on Monday asked in the tweet, referring to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors—drugs typically prescribed to treat depression.

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, SSRIs “are often used as first-line pharmacotherapy for depression and numerous other psychiatric disorders due to their safety, efficacy, and tolerability.”

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In following tweets, Greene noted that Crimo’s weight, estimated by police as 120 pounds, was “absolutely not normal” for someone thought to stand 5-feet 11-inches tall.

“What was he on?” Greene asked, demanding more information on Crimo be released.

“Drug history, prescription drug history, mental health history, school records, arrest records, how many times he talked with LE or FBI? Everything,” she wrote. “Is everyone to afraid to talk about side effects?”

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She added: “Are we really going to keep pretending? Or covering for Big Pharma? Because I’m absolutely done with the political plays on this BS.”

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