Lauren Boebert Drowned In Mockery Over ‘Siri’ Tweet Attacking ‘RINOS’ For Supporting Gun Reform Legislation

Ron Delancer

Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert (R) on Sunday slammed Senate Republicans as RINOS after they reached a bipartisan agreement on gun reform legislation.

Ten GOP senators, along with 10 Senate Democrats announced a bipartisan agreement on a bill that represents the most significant effort by Congress to address the national issue of mass shootings and gun violence in years.

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Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and President Joe Biden welcomed the deal, which would be expected to pass.

After the news broke, Boebert fired off a tweet summoning Apple’s “Siri” to attack the GOP senators as RINOs for supporting the measure.

“Hey Siri, show me a list of Senate RINOS,” she wrote before including a list of Senate Republicans who negotiated the agreement.

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Her tweet sparked a slush of “high tech” mockery, with people using both “Siri” and “Alexa” to scold the Colorado Rapublican.

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