Appearing on Fox & Friends on Tuesday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) defended the airstrike ordered by Donald Trump that killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani and put the sole blame of Trump’s strike on the president’s impeachment. In particular, he blamed House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA).
“You know what,” McCarthy said of Schiff. “He’s the chairman of the Intel Committee, maybe had he spent the last year working on that, trying to protect us from what was happening in Iran, from the bombing of the tankers, Saudi Arabia, taking down our drone.”
“Instead of taking that committee and making it impeachment, he would never make that comment,” he continued. “I don’t think it’s a place for them to play politics.”
Take a look at his remarks below:
On Fox & Friends, Kevin McCarthy suggests that if Adam Schiff had "been trying to protect us" from Iran instead of doing impeachment, Trump wouldn't have droned Soleimani.
— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) January 7, 2020