Joe Scarborough Slams Jim Jordan’s ‘Sheer Idiocy’ For Spreading Lies About Dr. Fauci

Ron Delancer

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough on Friday slammed Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) for spreading “idiocy” and “lies” about Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The “Morning Joe” host weighed in on Jordan’s latest attack against the nation’s top infectious disease expert during a House Coronavirus Crisis Subcommittee hearing, after the network aired a clip of the heated exchange from the day before.

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“The lies continue, the scapegoating still continues,” Scarborough said. “No personal liberties were taken away. The Supreme Court has reviewed cases, the courts have reviewed cases. It’s just, it’s sheer idiocy playing for the lowest common denominator.”

“It’s so personal and it’s really personal. They have lied about Dr. Fauci. They have spread conspiracy theories about Dr. Fauci. They have said the most preposterous things. It is personal,” Scarborough said of the incident.

“They’re trying to attack the messenger, who has been warning them, while they’ve been lying through their teeth to the American people, who has been warning that a lot of people could die,” he continued. “And a year ago, they kept saying, ‘open things up,’ ‘everything’s fine,’ ‘what is this? No worse than the flu.’ No worse — over 550,000 people are dead. And the lies continue. The scapegoating still continues.”

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Scarborough also pushed back against Jordan’s assertion that the American people had their civil liberties revoked as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

“No personal liberties were taken away,” he said. “The Supreme Court has reviewed the cases. The courts have reviewed cases. It’s sheer idiocy playing for the lowest common denominator.”

He was then asked by fellow co-host Mika Brzezinski if the “lies” have had a positive effect on “clicks” for news websites.

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“Lies about Anthony Fauci have always gotten clicks. Conspiracy theories have always gotten clicks,” Scarborough responded.

“You have to be a moron to believe it, but there are, I guess, a lot of morons out there,” he added before explaining the concept of a “plandemmic,” where he said “they get somebody to come in just makes things up whole cloth, suggesting he killed people during the AIDS epidemic. It’s all filled with lies, and yet people are stupid enough to believe it. And so, Jim Jordan peddles those lies. And peddles the suggest that Anthony Fauci somehow is the problem instead of a coronavirus that’s spread across America and killed 550,000 people.”

Scarborough said he personally knows educated people who believe the pandemic is fake and that doctors are risking their careers by lying about COVID-19 deaths for profit.

“Really intelligent people I have known my entire life who run actual operations actually believe that doctors are lying on death certificates, and putting that somebody died of COVID, because their hospital would make more money,” Scarborough said.

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“These aren’t people stepping, you know, out of a cave, chewing tobacco and, like, have never gone to school,” he added. “That’s one of the great lies of this Trump populism, that it’s all a certain group of uneducated, you know, teeming masses. No, no — a lot of the people that I have to talk to every day, that believe these stupid lies, they’re really intelligent. They’re really wealthy and they are in a cult and they can’t break out of it.”


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