GOP Lawmaker Urges Citizens To ‘Gear Up’ And ‘Roll Out’ As He Encourages Violence Against BLM Protestors

Ron Delancer

In the wake of the shooting that took place in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last week, Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) took to social media where he encouraged his followers to “gear up” and get ready to fight against Black Lives Matter demonstrators.

According to The Acadiana Advocate, Higgins posts were deleted from the site for violating its policies against advocating for violence.

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In the post, Higgins posted a photo of Black men carrying guns and said that the mere sight of them walking around armed was all the justification he needed to kill them.

“I’d drop any 10 of you where you stand,” Higgins wrote. “Nothing personal. We just eliminate the threat. We don’t care what color you are. We don’t care if you’re left or right. If you show up like this, if We recognize threat… you won’t walk away.”

Higgins rant didn’t stop there, he wrote another post shortly after.

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“America is being manipulated into a new era of government control,” he wrote. “Your liberty is threatened from within. Welcome to the front lines, Ladies and Gentlemen. I suggest you get your mind right. I’ll advise when it’s time gear up, mount up, and roll out.”

RELATED: Trump Prevents Black Pastors From Answering Question About Systemic Racism In Kenosha

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