Eric Trump Dragged Face Down Over Hot Lava For Claiming His Father Worked ’24 Hours a Day’ When He Was President

Ron Delancer

People are slamming Eric Trump after he appeared on Fox News to claim that President Joe Biden and his administration officials are lazy compared to those in his father’s White House.

During his time in office, Trump was infamous for spending large chunks of the day blacked out for “executive time” where he would do little except relax, watch TV, and rant on social media. He also spent a considerable amount of time away from the White House at his Mar-a-Lago country club and other properties at taxpayers’ expense.

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But during his interview, Eric Trump tried to re-write history.

“The difference between them and my father, my father sat there 24 hours a day and fought for the United States interest,” Eric Trump said before adding: “These people are not fighting. The’got no energy.”

Naturally, the comments caught the eye of Twitter users, who were quick to set the record straight. Huffington Post correspondent S.V. Dáte called Eric Trump’s comment a lie while pointing out that Donald Trump spent very little time doing work compared to any other chief executive in modern times.

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